Get Involved

How you can help

Sewing room

MOHCAM plans to open a sewing room with 2 industrial sewing machines to enable the girls to use locally sourced cotton to sew re-usable sanitary towels. These girls will be taught how to sew and when they have mastered the craft they will pass it on to their class-mates.

Donations will be passed on to the sewing room fund if so requested. You can monitor the progress of the sewing room by following regular updates on this site.

Book Drive

The library has no books! Please send suitable unwanted books sitting on your shelf. Anything suitable for adolescent girls or women. Please keep the context modest but upbeat.

Also, other school supplies (pocket calculators, pencils, pens notebooks) would be gratefully received. Books can be sent to:

P.O.BOX 229 Bamenda
North West Region, Cameroon


Seminar room

MOHCAM  aspires to open a seminar room for instruction and counselling.  She needs a projector and screen. To donate to this fund please contact us.

You can also participate in the counselling process if you have coaching skills and are so inclined. Your input will be welcomed. If you are interested please send us a message HERE


Lobby group

MOHCAM would welcome volunteers to lobby the Cameroonian Government to enact domestic violence laws. Please write (polite) letters to the following addresses to request that gender based violence become more of a priority. Please state that you acknowledge that they recognize the Geneva Convention on human rights but wish to see a more pro-active stance in violations and abuses of such rights.



General donations

These would be welcomed for: upkeep and expansion of education facilities, technologies to help the domestic violence refuge (I-phones for applications dealing with abuse, help- lines etc).