Breaking the Stigma surrounding pregnant adolescent and teenage mothers

What a beautiful way of ending the year with our adolescents girls. Mohcam carried out a workshop will 50 pregnant adolescent girls and teenage mothers affected by the ongoing crisis titled the Protection and Response to end Sexual and Gender Based Violence Against Pregnant and Teenage Mother Living in the Conflict Region of the North West. We had some deep reflection and conversations around gender based violence, sexual violence, sexual reproductive health rights, HIV/AIDS, girls education and early and early marriage. They also received some trauma healing sessions and psychosocial support.

Pregnant adolescent girls and adolescent mothers living in the conflict regions experience many physical, psychological, mental and social challenges. Therefore, it is expedient that special attention and care support is made available to them. Early motherhood has significantly affected not only adolescent girls, but also their families schools and communities.

Transition to motherhood need to physical, psychological, social and cognitive preparedness; but teenage mothers are not ready to becoming a mother. They must adapt with adulthood social roles, physical changes of puberty, significant brain development, and nurturing of a child. Most of teenage mothers living in the conflict settings are not in a good socio economic condition so transition to motherhood becomes problematic.

We remain grateful to our friends and partners for putting the smiles on these vulnerable girls.They received some food donations and dresses for their children for Christmas.
Mohcam is leaving no one behind. Pregnant adolescent and teenage mothers have rights and are future mothers and leaders. Let's Support them.

Every Teenage Mother Counts!!!
Merry Christmas
