Celebrating the 38th Edition of the International Volunteers Day (IVD)

In collaboration with the Ministry of Youth Affairs(MINJEC) and Civic Education, MOHCAM was opportune to celebrate the 38th Edition of the International Volunteers Day (IVD) in partnership with the Regional Delegation of Youth Affairs and Civic Education North West Region.
The celebration was organised by the National Volunteering Programme in partnership with the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education and coordinated by its Regional Focal person. The main mission of the programme is to create a conducive and inclusive environment for volunteering through the social mobilisation of both human and capital resources for local development
It is also in charge of recruitment, placement and follow-up of volunteers both in the public and private milieu while promoting volunteering work camp activities to boost local development.
In this year’s celebration, the activities were carried out in two days. The organization of a volunteering work camp at GBTHS Bamenda on 30th November 2023 and the celebration proper on the 5th of December 2023 with CSOs, Associations and partners. This took place at the Regional Delegation of Youth Affairs and Civic Education of the North West Region.
The occasion was presided by the Regional Delegate who gave a talk on the relevance of volunteerism in the crisis and the participation of young people in skill and community development. We also had presentations on Multipurpose Youth empowerment and volunteerism, the law of volunteering in Cameroon and the importance of volunteering. CSOs and Associations had an opportunity to present their role in promoting volunteerism.
There was also the opportunity for participants to benefit from HIV-free registration, counselling and a testing desk. We cannot thank enough MINJEC and its partners for this wonderful celebration and the valorization of unpaid service and sacrifices offered by devoted and committed individuals.

United Nations UNFPA Cameroon Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement - PNUD
United Nations OCHA UNICEF Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA) MenEngage Alliance Cameroon
High Commission of Canada to Cameroon Women Peacebuilder's Network - WOPEN
AmplifyChange IOM - UN Migration Canada’s International Development – Global Affairs Canada Union européenne au Cameroun Cameroon Women Scholarship
Women Empowerment Association For Development In Africa-WEADA Association pour la Promotion du Développement Local @followers @highlight