Conducting community consultations with young people and key stakeholders in the HIV response

The Uproot HIV project is a youth-led political agenda to end AIDS by 2030. The PACT @Y+Global UNAIDS collaborated in 2016 to create the #UPROOT Youth-led Country Scorecards, a tool designed for youth, by youth, to hold countries accountable for their commitments to addressing the HIV and AIDS epidemic by tracking progress in five key areas: laws and policies, participation, national strategies, leadership, and partnerships. Youth leaders completed 18 country assessments, which were later developed into one-page scorecards that detailed a country's gaps, challenges, and opportunities in national HIV and AIDS response.

According to the 2021 UNAIDS report, Cameroon the HIV prevalence rate among young people, (ages 15-24) in Cameroon is 4.7%. This means that nearly 1 in 20 young people in Cameroon is living with HIV. The #UprootScorecard Project is there very central and timely for young Cameroonians living with or affected by HIV. With funding from Y+ Global in collaboration with The Pact and UNAIDS, Mother Of Hope Cameroon - Mohcam is currently leading activities geared towards developing a youth- led country Uproot Scorecard for Cameroon.

Being a totally youth led initiative, our young consultant and project team are engaged in conducting community consultations with young people and key stakeholders in the HIV response through Focus Group Discussions and Key informant interviews with organizations like Vision in Action Cameroon and Regional Technical Working Groups across the 10 regions of Cameroon. These consultations shall form the basis for the scorecard.
More updates as we go round the different regions.

#MOHCAM is implementing the #UprootScorecard in Cameroon!!