Graduation of beneficiaries of our projects executed in the 9 different communities

It has been a moment of unending joy as we graduated our girls who were beneficiaries of our project: Strengthening the Protection and Rights of Adolescent Girls in Response to Child Marriage in Mezam Division Bamenda.

The project was executed in 9 different communities in Bamenda I, II and III.
These beneficiaries are girls from the ages 12 to 19 years who were vulnerable and were forced into child marriage.

The 50 girls have gone through a transformative process of being in a safe space for a period of 3 months and also receiving psycho-social support by a councilor. They were later placed to learn trades for a period of 3 months.

The trades they acquired skills in were Pastries and Baking, Hand and Machine Marking, Hair Dressing and Tailoring
During the graduation ceremony, the girls were handed start-up materials for their trades.
It was indeed a joyful and an emotional moment as most of the girls shared their testimonies shading tears for the great impact that has been created in their lives through the project.
We remain thankful to our funder Mundo Cooperante
We also express our deepest gratitude to all who had made the execution of this project a success  
Thank you