Implementation of "Women Mediation Project" (Mezam Division)

All Seven Divisions and the 34 Subdivisions in the North West Region have been touched by the baseline survey of the"Women Mediators project" in collaboration with the Open Society Foundations. We remain grateful to our committed data collectors.

From the setting of clear objectives to the implementation of the baseline surveys, we continued with the data collection process in #Mezam_Division while covering the areas of Bafut, Tuba, Bamenda I, Bamenda II, Bamenda III, Santa, and Bali in paving the way for realistic solutions in the prevention and resolution of conflict in the communities.

#Together let's stay focused as we clean up the data and publish our report of the Baseline Survey and Data collection process in the North West Region.

  • Women Peacebuilder's Network - WOPEN
  • Sustainable Women Organization-SWO
  • Positive Vision Cameroon
  • Anppcan Cameroon
  • Youth Empowerment And Resilience Network
  • Association for the Wellbeing of Women and Indigenous People
  • Community Initiative for Women's Engagement in Development - CIWED
  • Center for Strategic Comm
  • Peacebuilding and Sustainable Dev't.